(+40)761 937 503 ◊ Bucharest, Romania
cristi.cretan0@gmail.com ◊ https://www.linkedin.com/in/cretan-cristian/ ◊ www.cristicretan.ro
First three years GPA: 9.4/10
Undergraduate Coursework: Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, Local Networks, Operating Systems, Numerical Methods, Data Structures, Introduction to Assembly Language, Object Oriented Programming, Analysis of Algo- rithms, Algorithms Design, Programming Paradigms, Communication Protocols, Numerical Computers.
Teaching laboratory classes and creating assignments, scripts that verify and grade homework, laboratory exercises and exam subjects.
Courses: Introduction to Operating Systems (focus on Linux and bash), Introduction to Computer Architecture and Assembly Language.
Minimal implementation of the stdio library, which allows working with files.
Written in C++, MQTT is a lightweight, publish-subscribe network protocol that transports messages between devices. It is designed for connections with remote locations where resource constraints exist or the network bandwidth is limited.
A team-written Python Chess engine using the XBoard - GNU Project for implementing the GUI. Optimised move selection time span by applying Alpha-Beta pruning.
Simple router written in C, with a static routing table in a custom local network. Implemented ICMP and ARP protocols.
Security Summer School, June 2019-July 2019 and June 2020-July 2020
A summer school focused on Practical Software Exploitation and Web Security with an in-depth tour of what it means to discover, successfully exploit and patch a software vulnerability.
Participated in Capture the Flag competitions, with challenges from categories: cryptography, web and pwn.Testing my knowledge on buffer overflow, return-oriented programming, forensics, web security, networking and com- munication protocols. Posting write-ups on my personal blog.
Qualified for the preliminary Romanian National Team for ECSC (European Cybersecurity Challenge), 2020
Awarded Bronze Medal at INFOMATRIX International Contest 2017