I need my ego.

Yesterday I was playing basketball with a friend. When I was shooting, I noticed that most of the time I always hit the first one, and pretty often I hit 2 or 3 shots in a row. I suck. Statistically, this doesn't make any sense. Out of 10 shots, I'd …

Why it's so hard to get really good at something

Let it be infosec, a sport, playing an instrument, or even a game you'd like to get good at. After doing it for some time, you might ask yourself why you're not as good as the top people doing that specific thing. Whatever you want to get good at, if …

Life Is Not A Disney Movie

I recently read an article from The Atlantic. It was titled: You Can Do Anything: Must Every Kids' Movie Reinforce The Cult of Self-Esteem? The author points out that modern animated films have largely fallen a predictive rut: "anthropomorphized outcast who must overcome the restrictions of their societies or even …